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There are many ways to make money online, and CAD, Computer-Aided Designing, is one of the wonderful ways to make money. And with all the issues resolving the pandemic and remote work, CAD is in more demand for many people and individuals.

Having said this, there is no better time than now to take advantage of this potential gold mine. You can make this a lucrative full-time business or a great side-hustle. The following includes several ways to make money with this amazing tool: 

1. Decide What You Want to Use CAD for

The following are various types of work you can do to make money with CAD. The following types of work can be very lucrative: 

  • Laser cutting
  • Sell AutoCAD blocks
  • Sell floor plans
  • Tutoring
  • Freelancing
  • Outsourcing Your Work to Businesses needing AutoCAD skills, such as a carpenter, realtor, or a manufacturer 

Once you decide which type(s) of work you want, you should make the best of your work by doing the next steps. 

1. Showcasing Your Skillsets and Experiences 

You can do this by building your own website or having a professional team do this for you. You can find reputable web hosting services, such as Wix, Bluehost, and GoDaddy.

Other than that, showcasing your skills on LinkedIn is also a great way to get attention from the right companies/ people. This also goes for other social media platforms. 

2. Freelancing 

Using freelancing platforms is another important tool that will allow you to sell your services online. These platforms include Upwork,, Fiverr, etc. You can search through the search engines by typing in something relatable, like freelance platforms, or CAD or designing freelance platforms, 

3. Research Designer Companies

Researching designer firms is vital. When you do that, your ability to attract them will significantly heighten. From your research, you can find out what CAD services they need and get connected with them to show how you can be a great asset to them. And as a result, you will more likely obtain contracts from them. 

You may possibly convince them by producing and doing a time-saving and productive program for CAD professionals and companies. You can offer a free trial or a discount on the first service or product provided.  You may also give them a warranty or guarantee. 

4. Advertising Your Work 

Advertising your services and yourself is critical in getting your name and brand out there. You should obtain business cards, and put signboards in crowded areas.

Also, advertising what you have to offer on social media is most important. Traditional print advertising is still important. However, most companies and people mostly check online. 

5. Fixing Your Price 

To ensure you have competitive pricing, you must research the prices for various tasks in your industry. Then, you can place prices for your services, and you can elect to include prices of different packages. Also, prospects will also trust your brand more, believing that your business is a professional brand. 

6. Selling Your Projects on the Internet

Another thing you can do is to offer your finalized projects for sale on the Internet. You can make different kinds of 3D models, designs, objects, and cartoon characters according to your type of work. Then, sell the products online. 

You can partner with various sites to sell your products/services. These sites will go into agreement with you. This agreement involves you paying them a commission when you agree to their offer. Some of these sites are,, and

7. Teaching Your Skills 

And last, but surely not least, you can teach others your skills and experience. You can use your CAD skills and experience in addition to CAD outsourcing, or you can solely teach. Either way, the following includes various ways you can teach others by: 

  • Showcasing your skills and experience to a nearby school or institute where software is part of the curriculum. 
  • Make tutorials of various CAD software on YouTube. Do this by uploading your tutorials to YouTube. Then, monetize them with Google Adsense to make good pay from it. 
  • Create courses in various fields, such as 3D courses, 2D courses, and CAD software tips. Then, sell them to websites, like Lynda, Adobeknowhow,, and

In Closing

CAD is a great tool to use to make good money. It won’t make you a millionaire overnight. However, if you strategize accordingly with the tips above and with what is best for you, you can eventually get to a six-figure or even millionaire status. 

Categories: BlogCAD

Jakob Andersson

Hej mitt namn är Jakob och är 41 år gammal. Jag gillar att skapa saker i CAD. Använder mest FreeCAD och Fusion 360, men har testat de flesta CAD-program. Jag programmerar också i c#, python och Java. Skapar även appar i Android. Tycker även om fraktaler och att fotografera. Långa promenader i naturen är också skönt.


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